Red Lentils and Roasted Sweet Potato Soup

We've had a classic Canadian winter this year. One with the works, spells of freezing sub zero temperatures, lots and lots of snow, slick icy roads and influenza doing the rounds. Needless to say winter is my least favorite season of the year. It's not just the freezing temperatures that bother me but donning the … Continue reading Red Lentils and Roasted Sweet Potato Soup

Green Apple and Butternut Squash Soup

Keeping up with our new year resolution, we had soup for dinner last night. Well, we didn't entirely follow our resolution, as we skipped the salad and ate the soup with freshly baked slices of french baguette. But this is the longest that I have followed any new year's resolution so far, even if in part … Continue reading Green Apple and Butternut Squash Soup